about me

meet the founder

Amal Akhnoukh, founder of Amal Mosaic Art, is an Egyptian mosaic artist with a passion for handmade crafts and home accessories. Growing up in Cairo, a city known for its vibrant and diverse surrounding filled with skilled artisans, has helped shape her her artistic language and infuence her style of her creations.

A few years ago, Amal’s passion for art and entrepreneurial spirit led her to establish a small business in Cairo. Here, she began to design and sell mosaic artworks of various sizes and functions. Her extensive experience in the field, coupled with workshops and courses she attended in Canada and Italy, have provided her with additional knowledge and a competitive edge in crafting unique mosaic pieces.

Amal’s ultimate goal is to revive and promote this ancient art form through further creations, exhibitions, workshops, and symposiums in Egypt and beyond. She aims to position mosaic art alongside contemporary works, enriching people’s homes and spaces with the beauty, history, and essence of Egyptian culture.

In her pursuit of this vision, Amal also aims to empower local artisans by giving them opportunities to showcase their remarkable talents. By doing so, she hopes to contribute to the preservation and appreciation of traditional craftsmanship while bringing joy and cultural enrichment to individuals all around the world.

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